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Arcades & Religious Burial Place
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  • Address:
    Asaf Zeynalli, Baku, Sabail, AZ1000

In 1964, during the archaeological investigations held in the north part of the Maiden Tower, was discovered arched monument having an interesting structure. This significant monument is the religious-architectural complex colonnade with pointed arches which  constructed for religious purposes and dating back to the XII century. Among the gravestones  which found in the courtyard of the 15th century monument existed pre-islamic burial places.The location of the monument on several cultural layers  indicates its ancestry and  place of worship for centuries. Currently, there is the open-air exposition called “Art of stone carving” . The exposition shows   the history of the monument, the initial steps of artistic stone art, epigraphy, burial ceremonies, as well as  symbol and inscription  of gravestones.

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