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Barrows in Chovdar village
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  • Address:
    Chovdar village road, Dashkasan, AZ1600

Chovdar barrows – found in Chovdar village of Dashkesen. In 1912 year the employees of the Azerbaijan State Museum, which won “the travel from the museum and the right for carrying out excavation works on Ganja ruins’ barrows of Ganja province”, began the archeological excavation of Ganja ruins Azerbaijan Historical Museum. The barrow in Chovdar village (now Dashkasan region) of Ganja ruins was investigated (1, 7). The barrow’s length was 2,5 arsheens (1,8 m), its width is 1,5 arsheens (1 m), and the depth – 2 arsheens (1,42 m). The tomb’s composition was covered with three big flat stones as the slab formed of small stones, covered with the small flat stones from inside and covered with the big flat slab type stone from the above. The skeleton was lying with his head to the east. The woman"s headdress in old times, necklace, four-buckle (actually a button), two earrings, head pin, head ornament, chest ornament, bracelet and clay pots have been received from the tomb. According to the author of the excavation, the tomb belonged to the woman. Another alike tomb in another barrow was found by chance (Chovdar, II barrow). The bracelet, beads, buttons, earrings and small clay pots have been found from the tomb. The inventory of the next barrow (Chovdar III) consisted of bracelet, beads, clasp, ring, earrings, two chest and two decorators, and the fourth barrow’s (Chovdar IV) inventory consisted of bracelet, two rings, beads, belt, camel and the eye of barb four pieces of clay pot. Chovdar and surrounding archeological culture belonged to the late bronze early iron period, XIII-IX centuries b.c. The half-moon formed pin hoods, which the author called chest decorations, have been found in the barrow of Chovdar I. Half-moon formed pin hoods have been prepared from the bronze epoch section in a comparatively thick form, with the buttonhole in the middle for hanging. The ring made of bronze wire was found in Chovdar IV.


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