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Monument to Nizami Ganjavi
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  • Address:
    Azerbaijan, Baku, Sabail, AZ1005
Established in 1949 in the square in front of the Museum of Literature named after Nizami. Sculptor F.Abdurrahmanov, architects S.Dadashov, M.Huseinov. Six-meter bronze statue of the poet is set on an octagonal pedestal height of 9 meters of polished red Labrador. Reliefs on the pedestal, the sculptor executed under sketches of artist A.Hryunovym G.Halykova, located on seven facets on the sides of a bronze plaque with the name of the poet. They are devoted to scenes from the works of the poet.

The opening of the monument to Nizami and landscaping of the adjacent park was dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the poet. In 1939, a competition was announced to create a monument to the poet, which was represented by 60 projects. First prize in the competition decided not to award and the jury commissioned sculpture F.Abdurrahmanovu finalization of the project. But the work was suspended due to World War II, and continued after its completion

Nizami -. Alias Ilyas Yusif (1141-1209) of the outstanding Azerbaijani poet and thinker. Nizami was born in Ganja in ancient artisan family. He very early lost his father and his mother took form. Education and initial training received in Nizami Ganja madrasah. He was one of the most educated men of his time. Good knowledge of literature of the Middle East, ancient Greek history, Indian philosophy, astronomy, medicine, geography. In addition to the native Azerbaijani language mastered Arabic and Persian languages.

The brilliant master of artistic expression, Nizami devoted all his life to hard creative work. Many of the rulers of that time wanted to make it his court poet, Nizami rejected their invitation and for the rest lived in Ganja among the common people. His creative activity of Nizami began in 1170 with lyrical poems that he wrote throughout his life. But worldwide fame brought Nizami his work "Khamsa" ( "Pyaternitsa") - consisting of 5 poems: "Treasury of Mysteries" (written in 1177), "Khosrow and Shirin" (1180), "Layla and Mechnun" (1188) "Seven beauties" (1196), "Iskendername" (1203). These poems have displayed not only great skill of the poet"s pen, but also its ethical and philosophical views. Peru belongs to the poet"s "Divan" (collection), consisting of poems written in the form KASIDA, gazelles, Rubai, kit"a and fahriye. Sofa Nizami had more than 20 thousand couplets, few of which have survived. For a long time it was thought that the poet created all his works only in Persian language. By the way, two of the earliest surviving manuscript of the text of the poem are kept in the library of the University of Tehran (the manuscript is dated 1318) and Tabriz (1353), and the third - in the Paris National Library. Another of the known copies of "Khamsa" (1539-43 gg.), Is in the collection of the British Library. But in 2003, as a result of persistent work and of research, Hadiviya library in Egypt sofa Nizami was found in the Turkic language, which consists of 250 pages. Prior to that date of birth of the first poetic work in Turkic counted with "Leili and Majnun", belonging to the pen of another great poet-Azerbaijani M.Fuzuli. Discovered in Egypt, the manuscript makes history Turkic poetry ancient years 250 - 300, which, in turn, proves that even before the mass migration to the XIII century, the Seljuk Turks from Central Asia, Azerbaijan has a highly developed national poetry in Turkish (Azerbaijani) language.

The immortal works of Nizami Ganjavi influenced not only Azerbaijan, but also in the world literature. Prominent scholars of the Middle East, Europe and Russia for years have studied and are studying the literary heritage of Nizami. Goethe, the great thinker said: "Even if the East was not the seven greatest creators, I still would have remained a fan of the rest." Among these seven great creators and was Nizami Ganjavi. It should be noted that in times of World War II siege of Leningrad celebrated the anniversary of Nizami

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