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Spring "Isa"
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  • Address:
    Allahgulular village road, Shusha, AZ5800

Isa spring is a joyful rest place located in the territory of Shusha region, in 4 kilometers distance from the centre of region, on the Karabakh chain, in 1600 meters height from the sea level, among picturesque thick forests. It is considered one of the most famous resting places of Azerbaijan and Karabakh. According to the local information, Isa spring was found by a reaper man named Isa, that revealed the spring in a thick forest land for the first time in XVIII century; therefore the spring was called Isa. Of course, there are different considerations too. Water of the Isa spring is cold, useful and clean.

Shush citizens and guests of the city like often resting there. Some musicians and music groups used to entertain persons which rested. Each musician group coming to Isa spring had its own singer. Khan Emi (Shushinski) also used to sing there together with his brother tar-player Allahyar and kamancha-player. A "Hedirilu" nicknamed worker would also come there when Khan Ami sang. Everybody liked his coming. Khan Ami and all of the participants (Shush citizens mostly) enjoyed Hedirilu’s dance much. People used to give money to Hediril when he danced; but instead of giving this money to musicians when the music was over, he just put the money into his pocket and go away. Persons that saw this would laugh heartily. It is interesting that Hedirilli would never dance in the same party for the second time.

Mursal the Man (his lastname was Hajiyev) was a famous singer, a visitor of Isa spring was well known in Shusha and Karabakh. The most faithful and daily visitor of Isa spring was 110-year-old Mursal Baba who was perfidiously killed here in 1988. Coming to Isa spring and not listening to the voice of Mursal was considered a fault. Probably, people will remember the singer Mursal’s singing in the Isa spring accompanied with the music of his tar-player Avaz and his kamancha-player Shirin continued to play for a long time.

Nazim Tapdigoglu; Shusha, the Crown of Karabakh

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