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Albanian temple Chichiravang (Bayan village)
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  • Address:
    Khalig Isgandarov, Dashkasan, AZ1613

Certain part of historical monuments in Azerbaijan relate to Christianity. According to historians, three Albanian temples located in the territory of Bayan village of Dashkasan region are the memories of past centuries remained until our days. The architecture structure and interesting building style of the Albanian temples attract attention. The thickness of the walls is approximately 1 meter. Despite of carried out repair works, the former exterior view was kept. There are religious signs related to Christianity in safely remained parts. Each of the three temples has been constructed on high territories of the villages. Surrounding areas could be clearly seen from the temple roofs. The furnace places located here give ground to say that these temples had been used as fortifications too. Bon-fires were light on the roofs of the temples with the purpose of organizing united fighting against foreign invaders. In this way, the population was mobilized against the enemy. These monuments have great historical importance. There is a design related to Albanian architecture on the monuments. The monuments preserved their exterior view. Each of the three temples is registered in the list of historical monuments of the region.

Bayan monastery

Chicharvang temple

Bayan temple 2


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