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  • Address:
    Nariman Narimanov, Baku, Sabunchu, AZ1040
  • Phone:
    (+994 12) 428-40-41

Sumug tower is a defense tower, one of the historical-architecture monuments located in the territory of Ilisu village of Gakh region, related to 17-18th centuries, named "Sumug gala" by indigenous population. River stone, white-lime and burnt bricks have been used in the construction of the tower. The tower has had a four-cornered form; it narrows towards the upper part. A window and two loop-holes have been put in the each wall of the two floors of the four-store tower. The walls of the same floors had been plastered outside with white-lime. In contrast to other floors, the windows of the fourth floor had bigger size. Sumug tower is one of the towers belonged to the companion-in-arms and assistant of Sheikh Shamil, the Ilisu sultan Daniyal Bey.

"Sumug gala" is included to the tourism route of the region; the restoration works of the architecture monument started in 2003. In the primary stage, remainder part was revealed under the ground of the castle; the monument got its former appearance and was fully restored. After the five-store "Sumug gala" defense tower was totally restored, the square around the tower was covered with river stones and an administration building was constructed there. A new road has been built with the purpose of simplifying traveling to the monument.





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