Goychay – is the original Turkish word and has been taken from the name of Goychay river on the coast which the city is located. The Upper Shirvan Canal pass through the area of the region.The development of Goychay City also has begun approximately in the 30s of the XX century. The center of the Region Goychay is located in the 216 km of the Baku-Gazakh highway, and from the 18 km from Ujar railway station. The area territory is rich with the natural stocks used in building industry. In area there is variety of the monuments reflecting history of our people. Surkhay Castle constructed in XII-XIV a century belonging to Arabian Caliphate, and also tombs in Incha and Arabjabirli concerning II century B.C. prove the settlements in very ancient periods. The underground bath and 4 mosques constructed at the end of XIX century also belong to the list of historical monuments of region.