The two-storey house belonging to Khurshidbanu Natavan, popularly known as “Khan gizi“ (“Khan’s daughter”), is a historical and architectural monument of the 18th century located in the city of Shusha.
Shusha Music School, the first children's music school established in Azerbaijan on the initiative of Bulbul, the founder of Azerbaijan's vocal art, began operating in this building in the early 1930s. Since 1984, the school was renamed the Shusha Children's Art School named after Niyazi.
After the overhaul and restoration of the building in 1987, the Karabakh branch named after Khurshidbanu Natavan of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi began to operate here.
After the occupation of Shusha by the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia on May 8, 1992, hundreds of rare gems of art, paintings, carpets, miniatures, souvenirs, archeological samples collected in the museum were destroyed and seized by the occupiers.