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AzTV awarded with ADAMI Media Prize 2020

A video clip of Azerbaijani television (AzTV) has won ADAMI Media Prize 2020. The video was named best in "COVID-19 nomination". 

In 2020, broadcasters, filmmakers and journalists from the EU's Eastern Partnership countries have submitted over 300 applications for the ADAMI Media Prize. On September 21-26, projects were evaluated by an international jury in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The jury was organized by the Slovenian Public Broadcaster (RTV Slovenija). Additional, final jury sessions with the participation of film and media experts from the Eastern Partnership countries were held virtually on October 8-9 amid coronavirus pandemic. 

Founded in 2015, the ADAMI Media Prize encourages filmmakers, journalists and audio-visual media professionals in the EU Eastern Partnership countries to promote topics of migration, tolerance and cultural diversity. 

The prize is open to broadcasters and audio-visual media producers in the six participating countries, rewarding outstanding TV, film and online programmes that deal with diversity-related issues. Alongside the prize, ADAMI organizes networking events and fosters exchange among media professionals in Eastern Europe and the EU.

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