Azerbaijani writers have entered the long list of the "International Peace Prize 2020-2021" .
The prize was established by the International Union of Writers and members of the World Circle of Peace Ambassadors (Paris - Geneva) in 2020 with the aim of strengthening interethnic peace and harmony.
National writers Chingiz Abdullaev, Ramiz Abbasly (Ramiz Barkhudarov), Ramiz Deniz (Ramiz Gasimov) are nominated for the best prose.
Nariman Hasanzade, Sabir Rustamkhanli are nominated for the best poetry, Chingiz Abdullaev - "Detective novel", Sariya Mammadova -"Publicism", Ramiz Deniz- "Children's Literature".
The International Union of Writers is the world's largest organization of professional writers, founded in 1954. The headquarters of the organization was located in Paris until 2010. Its main division is located in Moscow.