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ICESCO announces some programs for 2021

Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) Salim M. AlMalik has announced the start of the preparations for holding an international conference on the biography of the Prophet Muhammad in cooperation with the Muslim World League (MWL) and Mohammadia League of Scholars. The conference, which will bring together several intellectuals, will highlight the Prophet’s unique virtues and refute allegations and offenses leveled against him.

The announcement was part of AlMalik’s address at the 3rd Media Forum of the Union of OIC News agencies. The event saw the participation of many permanent delegates of OIC Member States, directors and representatives of news agencies, radio stations and digital platforms; media and communication teachers, as well as the directors and representatives of OIC bodies. The 3rd forum explored the future of cultural action in the Islamic world and the efforts of ICESCO.

“The conference, which aims at highlighting the noble virtues and values of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is part of the efforts of ICESCO and its partners in defending and publicizing Islam, the Prophet, and the Islamic civilization and culture,” highlighted AlMalik.

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