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Filmmakers Union announces script contest

Azerbaijan Union of Film-makers has announced a script contest under the theme "Karabakh is Azerbaijan!".

The main purpose of the competition is to reflect in the scenarios the National Army's heroic struggle for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. 

Anyone can submit their script to the competition. Screenplays of feature films, documentaries, short films and animation films are accepted for the competition.

The rights to the script submitted for the competition must belong to the author, and must not be sold and be in the process of shooting. Scripts must be original, i.e. not filmed.

It should be noted that the script for the competition must be printed in three copies, and also provided on a digital medium - CD.

The name and surname of the author should not be indicated on the printed scripts. Font format - Courier New, size - 12. Along with the script, the author must submit an autobiography. Each author can submit to the competition no more than 1 (one) scenario. Scenarios submitted for the competition are not returned.

The scripts must be submitted to the Azerbaijan Union of Film-makers from February 1 to April 30, 2021.

The competent jury of the competition is appointed by the Union. The jury will evaluate four scenarios through secret ballot.

The winner will be awarded a cash prize and a diploma. The further film adaptation is also planned. 

The winners will be awarded in the following nominations: "Best script for a feature film", "Best script for a documentary film", "Best script for a short film", "Best Screenplay for an Animated Film". The winners will be awarded with cash prizes.

For more information, please contact:

(+ 994 12) 597-48 04

(+ 994 51) 427-41-03

 Email address: arki.2012@mail.ru

Founded in 2012, Azerbaijan Filmmakers Union (AUF) focuses on development of local cinema as an integral part of national culture and world cinema.

The Azerbaijan Union of Film-makers is a member of the Confederation of Unions of Cinematographers of the CIS and Baltic States.

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