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Azerbaijan sends appeal to UNESCO

Azerbaijan has sent an appeal to UNESCO in connection within "Peace4Culture" global campaign, aimed at informing the world community about the situation in the Azerbaijani lands liberated from the Armenian occupation, including destroyed infrastructure and cultural genocide.

In his speech, Azerbaijan Culture Minister Anar Karimov stressed that "Peace4Culture" global campaign focuses on studying the role of peace in the development of culture and the protection of cultural heritage.

The campaign invites diplomats, media representatives, scientists as well as political,cultural and public figures from different countries and international organizations to the Azerbaijan`s liberated territories to voice calls for peace.

Anar Karimov also touched upon the Baku Process initiative launched by President Ilham Aliyev in 2008 and the World Forum for Intercultural Dialogue initiated by the UN General Assembly in 2010.

He stressed that the UN Secretary-General highlighted the Baku Process and referred to the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue as one of the UN's main global platforms for intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

In this regard, "Peace4Culture" campaign reaffirms the importance of promoting peace in order to preserve culture and calls on the world to take ownership of its cultural diversity and ensure its security in a time.

High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) Miguel Ángel Moratinos shared his views on the global campaign "Peace4Culture".

The UNAOC High Representative said that it is necessary to work together to maintain peace and security in the world. 

In his speech, Miguel Ángel Moratinos pointed out that the world is facing a pandemic crisis and its economic consequences. He called out the world community to search for new ways to respond to today's realities and challenges.

UNAOC High Representative spoke about his visit to Aghdam and Fuzuli, liberated from the Armenian occupation. He stressed that nothing was left in these territories. 

"I have met with President Ilham Aliyev after Azerbaijan liberated its territories. I witnessed feelings of hope, dignity and joy. We had a constructive discussion and dialogue with the President of Azerbaijan. He said a new page had been opened in the country's history. I believe that a new page and future is ahead for your people," he said. 

The event was followed by video messages from  Chair of Intercultural Relations and a founding Director of the Centre for Trust, Peace, and Social Relations at Coventry University, professor Mike Hardy and ICESCO Director General Dr. Salim M. AlMalik.

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