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Shirin Malikova to discuss ancient and avant-garde carpets

The National Carpet Museum invites you to discuss the ancient and avant-garde carpet examples.

The museum's director, chairman of ICOM Azerbaijan National Committee Shirin Malikova, and talented artist and sculptor Chingiz Babayev will deliver a speech on the topic "Tradition and Innovation" within the museum's recently opened exhibition "Carpet Art: Evolution of Meanings".

The exposition won the sympathy of the audience. Notably, this event was the first large-scale exhibition in Tatarstan dedicated to Azerbaijan's carpet weaving art.

The exhibition provides an opportunity for visitors to discover the wonderful examples of traditional carpets of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Each carpet reflects different regional traditions distinguished by their ornamental features, colors, and techniques.

Through the exhibition, the museum visitors can enjoy the contemporary interpretation of ancient carpet art, the dialogue between past and present through the works of famous artist and sculptor Chingiz Babayev.

The meeting will be moderated by Ph.D. in Arts Elchin Shamilli. 

According to the quarantine requirements, no more than 10 people can attend the event.

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