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UNESCO includes Lankaran into list of creative cities

Famous for its gastronomy, Lankaran region has been included in the UNESCO list "Network of Creative Cities."

In this regard, the Azerbaijan Culture Ministry sent a candidate document to the UNESCO Secretariat.

Founded in 2004, Network of Creative Cities unites cities based on creativity and considers innovations and creativity as a key factor in order to promote sustainable urban development. 

Around 49 cities joined UNESCO's Network of Creative Cities in decision of the Director-General of UNESCO Audrey Azul. 

The network includes a total of 295 cities in 90 countries that invest in culture and art. It covers seven creative fields: Crafts and Folk Arts, Media Arts, Film, Design, Gastronomy, Literature and Music.

Meanwhile, Baku is a member of the Network of Creative Cities since 2019 for "design", and Shaki since 2017 – on "art and crafts".

Azerbaijan's south-eastern region is blessed with subtropical crops, such as tea and citrus. Lankaran is a fruit lover's paradise with a multitude of delicious fruits. 

If you visit Azerbaijan, the Land of Fire, you should definitely taste its tea. Lankaran is well-known throughout Azerbaijan for producing the best tea in the country. The subtropical climate of the region is ideal for its growing.

The first tea plantations appeared here in 1896. In 1937, the first packs of Azerbaijani tea were released. In Soviet times, Azerbaijani tea was very popular.

Lankaran is also is famous for its rich and delicious cuisine. Lavangi, Lankaran kulcha, marji plov, white plov, pumpkin plov and turshu kebab are the best examples of local cuisine.

Unique landscapes, wonderful sceneries, historical attractions and great climate create favorable conditions for tourism development.

The region is home to numerous historical sites  Lankaran fortress (18th century) and Kichik-Bazar mosque (19th century) deserve special attention. In 100 kilometers north of Lankaran, there is Khanega village of the Middle Ages, where one can find such historical monuments of architecture as the fortress walls (12-14 centuries), the mosque and the tomb of Pir-Hussein, Mirakhmad Khan's Palace and some other ancient buildings.

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