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Baku to celebrate International Day for Tolerance

The International Day for Tolerance is celebrated worldwide on November 16. 

Declared by UNESCO in 1995, the Day focuses on  public awareness of the dangers of intolerance. 

Every year various conferences and festivals are organized as part of the celebration, Trend Life reported. 

The International Day for Tolerance will be celebrated in Baku.

The event is co-organized by the Foundation for the Promotion of Moral Values ​​under the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations and the Christian Community "Vineyard Azerbaijan ".

The evening is dedicated to the Victory Day in the Patriotic War.

The event will be attended by the leadership of the State Committee and the Fund, representatives of the country's religious communities, cultural and scientific workers, and public organizations.

The official part of the program includes performances by invited guests, as well as screening of social videos and films about tolerance in Azerbaijan.

The concert program will feature patriotic songs performed by famous musicians, various religious compositions and national dances.

The event will end with joint prayers of the leaders of religious confessions in  Azerbaijan as an example of tolerance.

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