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Moscow to host exhibition of Azerbaijani carpets

An exhibition "Echo of Soviet Azerbaijan. Carpet. Embroidery. Poster" will open at the State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow on February 5. 

The exhibition will display about 40 art pieces, including the carpets 1920-1970’s from the collection of the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum (Baku), posters, courtesy of the Mardjani Foundation (Moscow), as well as revolutionary embroidery and sketches for 1920-1930s from the collection of the Museum of the East. The latter will be shown for the first time.

The project aims to reveal how significant historical events influenced the decorative arts. The exhibition will last until March 1, 2020. 

Unique Azerbaijani carpets are well-known all over the world for their quality and high artistic value. Besides, amazing and fantastic carpets of Azerbaijan represent a real mystery, leading one inside the fairy tales full of majestic feelings.

The Land of Fire has seven carpet producing regions including Baku, Shirvan, Guba, Tabriz, Karabakh, Ganja and Gazakh and each of them had its own technology, typical patterns and colors.

Colorful Karabakh carpets, which are classified in four groups, represent a fabulous symphony of the most delicate shades of the amazing Karabakh nature.

Karabakh carpets still retain their glory, featuring in many prestigious international auctions, estimated at tens of thousands of dollars. Samples of the Karabakh carpet weaving as cultural heritage of Azerbaijan, kept in major museums, including the Louvre, Hermitage, and adorn the Vatican and the White House.

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